Did I mention that there is a heat wave right now in Egypt. We stopped at the Northern quarry to see the unfinished Obelisk. This piece of granite would have weighed about 2.3 million pounds and would have stood 42 meters high (similar to the Lateran Obelisk in Rome). However, this one cracked while being carved and was left in the ground.

Unfinished Obelisk

Back to the heatwave, it was 45C while we climbed up to the top of the quarry to look at the Obelisk. It was worth it. Our next stop was the Nubian Museum. Nubia is an ancient region of Egypt that lies between the first cataract (rapids) near Aswan and the confluence of the Blue and White Niles. the name means Land of Gold. We toured the small but impressive museum that documented Nubian history up to modern times.

In the Nubian Museum

We left the museum to go back to our ship, have another meal and relax. Several of us purchased Galabeas (long cotton dresses worn by both men and women). We looked good showing off our Egyptian style.

Galabeas night